
design-driven AI

creative, tech & scientific works


I'm a builder, creating products while wearing many hats.

With a career in corporate research, technology services and startups, I've been working in and across different industries, including mobile technologies, enterprise software, telecommunication, automotive, and digital health.
I have experience in building products based on innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies, often as a result of multiple years research, from the ground up. Several times during my career I have also built and led teams spread across the globe. Enjoying interaction and work with talents of multidisciplinary backgrounds.

My passion is creating meaningful experiences. I design and build solutions that bring value to its users -- value that is socially relevant and makes people's lives simpler and more delightful. Experiences that lasts more than just a fraction of the moment.

Beside working with Silicon Valley and Nordic startups in the intersection of design + AI + technology as a strategic advisor, with my expertise I often help VC friends in their due diligence efforts.

For the past 6 years or so my main focus has been on design-driven AI solutions for digital health. I strongly believe that design and AI will jointly bring advancements for the benefits of patients, providers and health organizations. "Preventive care at lower cost" is the main driving force for many players in this space, but there are so much more to do beyond these guiding principles. One motivation is to consider the patient more like a person, and focusing on other aspects of life and well-being, meaning data, than only on clinically relevant issues. Omnia conexus.

What I Do

I do design and AI -- not your everyday combination.

Started my career building large scale interactive systems with speech and language technologies from scratch, researched from the bottom-up (speech analysis & recognition, language understanding, dialogue systems, multimodal interaction, etc.), prototyped and implemented on every layer of the stack. Created my first chatbot back in '96. Built a talented team around Language Technology, and together we created tens of scientific publications, patents and advanced technologies that enabled creation of successful products.

Building systems for real users required more than just knowing the technologies. From early on had a focus on usability, human factors, designing viable and efficient interaction strategies, evaluating why something works and sticks with users, why something breaks the dialogue, measuring the outcomes quantitatively and qualitatively, visualizing interactions, etc. Also, ventured out to other areas like linguistics, psychology, even ergonomics.

Nowadays, this is collectively called the user experience.
And the way to get there is design = interaction / visual / experience / product / service / system / strategic design.

What I Mean

machine learning, predictive analysis, stochastic time series evaluation, behavioral analysis, evolutionary/genetic algorithms
interaction / experience / strategic / system / visual design, design systems, design thinking, user-centered design, design study, user research
conversational technologies, speech recognition, language understanding, dialogue management, spoken dialogue systems, chatbots, conversational agents, multimodal integration, multimodal systems
=user experience, usability, human factors, heuristic evaluation, quantitative / qualitative evaluations, user research, patient engagement, patient experience
=visualization, interactive web-based frameworks, interaction visualization, information visualization, storytelling, pitch / investor decks

Get In Touch

Please drop a mail if you have a question about some of my works,
or interested in discussing a potential project.