
Health data interoperability

Doctor-facing data exchange solution
  • Categories: Design,UX,Digital Health
  • Year: 2018-2019
  • Keywords:
    interoperability, health data exchange, patient engagement, preventive care
Use case

The promise of digital health is in part based on the assumption that digitized health data, having access to this data, and gaining insights from the data, can improve the quality of healthcare in the form of preventive care measures, while at the same time, can also reduce associated costs of the care. To achieve these, digital health efforts must address several aspects of how data is 1) collected, 2) processed, 3) presented, and 4) used to offer effective preventive care to patients in need.


We are all patients, and either you, a member of your family or a friend surely faced the problem of having access to one's health data at some point of time, perhaps, in a critical situation.


The work addressed the needs of both doctors and patients. Based on user research to discover painpoints of potential users, as well as the technical / legislative requirements specifying health data interoperability, its scope and purpose, mobile and web-based designs were created in several iteration cycles.


The Patient360 product was launched at HIMSS'2019, serving health organizations, providers and digital health startups. The product enables providers to aggregate their patients' medical records from other providers nation-wide in a seamless way, enabling to form better informed decisions for the benefits of patients.