
Patient-Doctor Communication

UX design & prototype

According to one study, patients forget immediately about 40-80% of what they discussed with their doctor after leaving the doctor's office.
Knowledge sources, engagement tools, diaries, etc. are available for patients, however, not much effort has been put into the actual patient-doctor interaction, the face-to-face discussion that leads to decision(s) about therapies, labs to take, medications, exercise instructions to follow, etc. Consequently, good adherence to the recommended treatment, and ultimately the outcome of the care are not necessarily guaranteed.


Helped friends (of a digital health startup in stealth mode) in their efforts of providing patients with a better understanding of the actual discussion with a doctor, in a face-to-face setting, and how shared decision making can be done more effectively along with a seamless patient experience.
Also, the design provided a natural interface to engagement tools that serve as a follow-up after visit.
The project included design research phase, iterations in the experience design phase that resulted in an interactive prototype for tests with patients & doctors.