
Patient / Parental Experience

large scale design study with parents of premature babies
Designing for Parents

The primary purpose of the study was to identify the lived experience of the parents while their baby was at a NICU. We defined the term lived experience as a combination of several factors, including how they coped with the situation, at what level they were engaged in their baby’s care on a daily basis, what tools they used or would have liked to use to be more supported, how they communicated with the care team (how frequently and in what format), and what type of information they received or would have liked to receive.


More than 300 parents from around the world participated in our user-centered research, sharing their very own lived experiences and thus providing valuable inputs and feedback to our thinking. The lessons learnt from the study were directly fed back to our process, allowing us to revise and improve the design, to strengthen our initial hypothesis, and to identify much needed features.

We published the results in a design conference in 2016.

The following two summaries are examples of the findings presented in the publication. When the parents were asked to describe their emotional experience with 3-3 adjectives, the journey they took became very clear. In the top are the words they used when their baby got into the NICU, and in the bottom when their baby transitioned home.