
Project Outcome Prediction

  • Categories: AI
  • Year: 2016-2017
  • Keywords:
    machine learning, maximum entropy classification, self-organizing maps, genetic algorithms

Is there a way to predict projects' outcomes based on certain features? Turns out there is an entire science for that, and there is an increasing interest towards solutions that can give enterprises some insights, early on, of how to steer projects, what need to be adjusted or changed radically in order to deliver projects successfully.


A quick & dirty prototyping with open source code for self-organizing maps, and the code I wrote over the years (a maximum entropy based classifier embedded into a genetic algorithm-based optimization framework).
Using a small database of project information (various aspects, including internal and external communication, quality of code, meeting milestones, final outcome & team sentiment, etc.), the prototype demonstrated classification of projects, and predicting potential project outcomes (success vs. failure.